Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Week 5: The Progressive Era


    The fact that we need to find obscure, third-party sites to find stark anti-war voices is honestly a mystery to me. You could ask practically anyone randomly on the street if they are anti-war and I would be willing to bet that they would say yes. I have two theories why we never hear about it though. The first, and what I hope is the correct one, we are in an era where all out war (at least in the United States) is a thought that does not cross anyone's mind. If asked whether or not we should declare war on another nation, the answer is almost always no. I say almost because there is will always be someone in favor of it. Basically, there is no need to talk about it because it is not an issue at the moment. But regardless, while there are smaller conflicts around the world, they are smaller disputes and have not lead to all out war. not to mention that as long as humanity exists, people will disagree to some capacity. My second theory, and one I hope is not correct, is that more people than we know are actually in favor of it, just not willing to say it out loud in public. Perhaps some people are just avoiding the anti-war questions until they get in power. Now, I do not mean this as a kind of conspiracy theory idea, it is just a thought I had concerning the possibilities. 

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