Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Week 2: 5 News Sources

5 News Sources

1. Louder with Crowder (https://www.youtube.com/user/StevenCrowder) - This is by far my favorite place to get informed about the news. Not only do they list every single source that they get their statistics from, but they make the show funny. It's a perfect balance of hard news and comedy.

2. Officer Tatum (https://www.youtube.com/user/btcruiser34) - This guy is a lot like the Louder with Crowder Show. The only big difference is that he does not throw in as many jokes, but he still lists all his sources. The other thing I like about Officer Tatum, is that he reports on what is happening, with evidence, first and then gives his opinion afterwards about the situation.

3. The Daily Wire (https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDailyWire/videos) - This is the source I go to when I want to hear about everything that is happening in the news, both big and small. Louder with Crowder and Officer Tatum usually talk about the big events, but I will sometimes watch the Daily Wire if I want to hear more extensive coverage.

4. FOX News (https://www.foxnews.com/) - I more or less only watch FOX for Tucker Carlson. I really enjoy his news reporting, but I also find it very funny watching him interview others. I think he makes compelling arguments, but I also find the interviews very humorous.

5. CNN (https://www.cnn.com/) - Finally, my watching of CNN is usually second-hand, whenever the other sources I listed talk about it. But I make sure I pay attention when I do hear from their reports, so I at least get some information from a source like them.

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