Monday, September 14, 2020

Week 4: F.A. and BLM

 Former ESPN NBA reporter criticized for hypocritical tweets about George  Floyd protests - Report Door

        With all the chaos that is going on in the world right now, the First Amendment has been one of the biggest points of discussion in the U.S. as of the past few months. The First Amendment lists 6 specific freedoms: From and Of religion, of press, of speech, of petition, and of peaceful assembly. Whenever the riots begin and buildings start being burned to the ground, "First Amendment!" is what is claimed by those committing these crimes. They primarily argue about their right to assemble, however, many seem to forget that it specifically lists "peaceful" assembly. The second an assembly starts endangering others, it is not protected by the First Amendment. To be even more specific, doing something like burning someone's business down, is infringing on their rights of life, liberty, and property. The First Amendment's protection end once another's rights begin to be infringed upon. Even if one were to look beyond the First Amendment, arson and looting are pretty clearly under the classification of crime. So, committing such acts are not even a concerned with the First Amendments and personal rights anymore. it is simply committing crimes and putting others in danger, which is not protected by the First Amendment and certainly not legal in any sense of the word. As was said so accurately by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.: “Your right to swing your fist ends where the other guy's nose begins.” You do not have the right to infringe on another's rights without due process of law and due cause.

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