Thursday, November 12, 2020

Week 11: On & Offline Privacy

    It's crazy to me just how common place the invasion of our privacy has become. Almost everything we do nowadays provides a ton of information to the government and big companies, and in many cases we technically give them permission by agreeing to their terms of service. I don't understand how the people who run these huge companies think it's okay to invade and profit off our private information. It baffles me even more how so many people, including myself to an extent, have become complacent with these practices. There's a certain point where many of us say something along the lines of "Well, it's too late to try and stop it." or "They're too big and too powerful to do anything about it." As I said, I have found myself saying this, but I think we all need to be reminded of just how much power we the people have to say no this kind of stuff. I think we should try to work towards much harsher regulations for such invasive things.

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Week 15: Online Presence and Technology

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